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The Bulk Oil Storage and Trans...



1. The Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited intends to apply part of its Internally Generated Funds (IGF) to fund eligible payments under a Service Contract for the provision of the under listed services for which this invitation is issued.


No. Description Tender Reference Tender Security
1 Records Management Services GR/BOST/TS/0001/2021 Two percent (2%) of Contract Amount
2. Petroleum Products Stock Taking Services  GR/BOST/CS/0001/2021 Two percent (2%) of Contract Amount

Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and performance requirements are provided in the Tender Documents

2. The Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation Company Limited, invites sealed tenders from eligible suppliers for the provision of the above mentioned services. Tenderers are to clearly indicate the Lot(s) they are interested in. Tenders will be evaluated and Contracts will be awarded on Lot per Lot basis.

3. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Tendering (NCT) procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (ACT 663) as amended in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) of the Republic of Ghana.

4. Interested eligible Service Providers may inspect the RFP document and obtain further information from the Procurement & Supply Chain Department, at the address below from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. local time each weekday from Monday, February 15, 2021. Sale of RFP documents will commence on the same day.

5. A complete set of RFP documents, in English, may be purchased by interested Service Providers upon submission of a written application and payment of a non-refundable fee of Five Hundred Ghanaian Cedis (GHS 500.00) for each in a banker’s draft or certified cheque in the name of the Bulk Oil Storage & Transportation Company Limited.

6. RFP documents would be on sale between 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. each working day from the date of publication to the deadline for submission.

Proposals shall be valid for Ninety (90) days after the deadline for proposal submission.

7. All Proposals must be accompanied by the following valid documents

i. Registrar’s General Certificates
ii. SSNIT Clearance Certificate
iii. GRA Tax Clearance Certificate
iv. VAT Certificate
v. Tender Security in the amount and from prescribed in the RFP documents.
vi. Public Procurement Authority (PPA) Certificates/Evidence of Registration
vii. All other certificates related to this line of activity

8. Sealed Proposals, clearly marked with the appropriate “TENDER REFERENCE” must be deposited in the Tender Box located on the Ground Floor, Main Reception, at the address stated below or before 11:00 am on Monday, March 15, 2021. Late Proposals will be rejected and will be returned unopened to the Tenderer.

9. Proposals will be opened immediately after the deadline for submission in the presence of Service Providers’ representatives who wish to attend at the Conference Room of BOST at Plot No. 12, First Dzorwulu Crescent, West Airport Residential Area, Accra.

10. BOST is not bound to accept any quotation, nor award a contract/purchase order, nor be responsible for any cost associated with the preparation and submission of the Tender regardless of the outcome of the selection process.

Location for Purchase and Submission of RFP Documents.

For inspection and purchase of RFP Documents please contact:
i. Procurement & Supply Chain Dept.
Bulk Oil Storage & Transportation Company Limited
Plot No. 12, First Dzorwulu Crescent
West Airport Residential Area, Accra
P. O. Box MB 499
Accra – Ghana
Tel: 233(0) 302 770546, 024-3690051/2/3/5
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Completed Proposals must be addressed to:
ii. The Managing Director
Bulk Oil Storage & Transportation Company Limited
Plot No. 12, First Dzorwulu Crescent
West Airport Residential Area, Accra
P. O. Box MB 499
Accra – Ghana
Slot777 slot88